Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Term... NEW Question!

As we begin Spring term, we move into our "last question" of 2FS which is....

Is Biology Destiny?

We will start to try to answer this question by looking at cells and then DNA, proteins and traits.

Let's begin by watching the following video for your next class day. (Don't worry if you do not know all the terms. We will be going over much of them during the term (ex. transcription/translation). For the organelle question. you can use the crash course video if you would like.

 Answer the following questions.

1. Why are cells small and how does it relate to your last term?

2. How did scientists discover cells? What technology allowed them to see cells for the first time?

3. What are the 2 types of cells and give an example for each?

4. What are the similarities and differences of these two cell types?

5. What are organelles?

6. What are the 13 different organelles? Give a BRIEF description of each one.

Here is a 2nd video about cells if you want to review (it's a crash course video)

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