Monday, December 10, 2012

Today we finished up the respiratory system by analyzing the controlled air experiment. Remember when reading experiments to ask yourself the following...

1. What is the Independent Variable?
2. What is the Dependent Variable?
3. What is the Control?
4. What are the Constants?
5. How many Replicates are there?
6. What are the Confounding Variables?

We also began looking at how to start your case studies. You have to THINK CRITICALLY!
Purpose of the case study:
The case study approach has two educational goals.  First, it provides an opportunity for you to apply the basic content that you have learned in Biology to a real-life setting, medicine.  Second, it is a way for you to evaluate and enhance your critical thinking skills.  Critical thinking is a skill.  It means taking a situation, collecting information about the situation in an efficient manner and then making the best decision you can given that information.  It is an essential skill in any educational, personal, or professional setting.  When you decide what college you’ll go to, you are really critically thinking; you collect information, analyze it, and make a decision based on it.  Likewise, a businessperson needs to critically think in order to decide what type of products they offer, how many employees they need, etc.  Medicine is just one profession in which critical thinking skills are used profoundly.  

You were given your first patient who presented with several symptoms. You have to now research using your websites.

1. Hypotheses
2. Inquiry
3. Analyses
4. Synthesis

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