Friday, February 1, 2013

Thursday and Digestion!

On Thursday, we went over the two articles you had to read awhile back. Remember when reading these types of articles, you want to look for the claim (What is the hypothesis?) and what is the evidence? Can you determine the experimental design? Homework is to do the gizmo and a case study question.

Here are a few sites with some practice problems for identifying the components of experimental design.

Identifying variables.
SpongeBob and experimental design

Finally we began going over the digestive system by starting with two questions..

How does the digestive system keep you alive? - get food in, get nutrients from food, get waste out!
What other systems does it connect to? - to the circulatory system via absorption in the intestines. Also connected to the nervous system (remember this is all done without you thinking about it!)

Here is one website with a great list of definitions! (you don't need to know all of these though!) Definitions - digestive system.
We started by watching the crash course video. What is the basic makeup of the organs in the digestive system? ("the more complex the animal, the more the digestive system resembles a tube"
Why is maximizing surface area important in the digestive system? - helps get more nutrients out because your enzymes can get to more of the food. (remember think "apple boulder --> apple gravel--> apple sand" = increasing surface area!)

What are enzymes? and What is one enzyme in your saliva (and what does it break down?)

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